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For our 110V system used in the USA, Canada and the rest of the America's please visit www.kirmussaudio.com
We are looking for reputable and well established retailers with premises able to display and demonstrate our system. Please contact us via our Contact Us page.
Purchasing Surfactant
We only supply our Surfactant to purchasers or registered owners on our website of a KA-RC-1 Restoration system. This restriction does not apply to our other accessories.Featured
KA-RC-1 Four Record, Ultrasonic, Vinyl Restoration System
Provided with the System: Free KA-S1-5 Pack of 5 Triple Layer Inner Record Sleeves. NEW CASE DES..
Adrenaline Speaker Cable
Our Audiophile Quality High Resolution Loudspeaker Cable: ADRENALINE. "VOTED AS TOP 20 ACCESSORY LO..
KA-S1-40 Superior Quality - Inner Record Sleeves for LPs
12” Anti-static Vinyl Record Sleeves: PACK OF 40 SLEEVES: Our Anti-Static ..
KA-B Combination "2-in-1" 1 Million Carbon Fibre Brush With Parastatic Felt Brush
The carbon fiber brush side removes static charges, and the velvet side removes dust from vinyl rec..
WallyTractor Universal
WallyTractor Universal v2.2 Cartridge alignment doesn't get more accurate or universally applicable..
WallyTractor Universal - B Grade
WallyTractor Universal v2.01 B - GRADE - slight scratches to the surface of the mirror disk This pr..
WallySkaterPro v2.1For frequent users of the WallySkater or for those with limited dexterity. Adjust..
WallyReference The only tool that allows simple, quick and repeatable confirmation that the top sur..